Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS)?

CLMS is an independent mission society, chartered under the Corporations Act of Manitoba, and registered as a charitable organization with Canada Revenue Agency (BN # 89759-4826-RR0001). It holds auxiliary organization status with Lutheran Church–Canada. CLMS is "independent" in that it is self-governing, and not dependent on any other organization. However, it works closely with Lutheran Church–Canada and its partner churches around the world, to support various missionary, educational and social ministry projects.

Why was CLMS established?

When Lutheran Church-Canada was founded in 1988 as an autonomous body, one of the reasons stated for its formation was "the conviction that such an organization will facilitate our witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our country and throughout the world." It was assumed at the outset that achieving this objective would require substantially more financial resources than would be available through the regular budgetary process. In 1990 a convention of LCC established a Task Force on Alternate Funding, which presented its report in 1993. That report, which included a recommendation to establish a mission society, was adopted by the convention, although for various reasons, the organization of the mission society never took place.

In February 1997, president emeritus Rev. Edwin Lehman , with the consent and blessing of President Ralph Mayan, invited seven other individuals to meet in Winnipeg to discuss the formation of such a society. The result was the birth of "Concordia Lutheran Mission Society." Present at the first meeting were: Rev. Edwin Lehman (president) Terry Goerz (vice-president), Anne Taylor (secretary), Doreen Haberstock (treasurer) Rodney Haberstock, Rev. Kevin Cramm, Rev. David Somers and Rev. Donald Schiemann.

How is CLMS governed?

CLMS is governed by a nine member board of directors, consisting of both lay and clergy members from across Canada. They are elected by the supporters of CLMS for three year terms, and can serve a maximum of two full terms, with their eligibility renewed after a one year absence from the Board. The current Board of Directors (as of November 2007) consists of: View Board of Directors.

How does CLMS determine which mission projects to support?

While CLMS receives unrestricted funds, it does not make unrestricted mission grants. All grants are project based, and are ordinarily for one year terms, though they may be renewed. Each year, CLMS solicits project proposals from LCC, its district mission staff, and partner churches. From the projects submitted, the Board of Directors annually adopts those projects which are most consistent with its objectives, and are considered most urgent. Once adopted, CLMS commits itself to funding the project in full, even if it involves carrying the project forward to the following year. If a project is not completed, or only partially so, the amount CLMS remits is adjusted accordingly.

How do donors develop a sense of partnership in the mission?

Donors may designate contributions to any of the projects CLMS has approved. If designated, all funds are used for the chosen project, unless the project is oversubscribed. In that case, the funds may be applied to a similar project or a project in the same country, or they may be carried forward to the next year to the same project if it is of a multi-year nature. Twice a year, in April and September, The Canadian Lutheran carries a special supplement produced by CLMS, which reports on the work of the society.

What if a donor wishes to support a project not on the regular project list for a given year?

Provided that the project is consistent with CLMS objectives and meets its project criteria, is not contrary to the theological position of LCC, and does not contravene CRA regulations, such a project will be considered a "Donor Initiated Project." Funds received will be applied to that project, but CLMS assumes no obligation for the project, nor does it solicit for the project. Those wishing to support a "Donor Initiated Project" should contact the president or the director of mission projects, to ensure that the project meets the necessary criteria.

How does CLMS cover its operating expenses?

The annual budget of CLMS falls into two broad categories: Mission and Operations. The Mission portion of the budget includes the various Mission Projects, and CLMS' educational responsibilities (mostly the two mission inserts referred to above.) Operational budgets include administrative costs (Annual meeting, telephone conference call(s), bank charges, audit fees, etc.) as well as development costs. While any contributions given "wherever needed" could be used for the operational budget, it is the current practice of CLMS that all administrative expenses, and in some years, all development expenses are covered by special donations, mostly from the directors themselves. This makes it possible to assure donors that all funds designated for a mission project are applied to that project, with no deduction for administrative costs, or even bank costs that might be incurred in transferring funds overseas.

Does CLMS receive support from congregations or societies?

Each year a small number of congregations, Sunday Schools, VBS groups, etc., make contributions to CLMS. We greatly appreciate such support, but do not solicit it. We do not encourage congregations to redirect any of their regular remittances to district to the work of CLMS. We believe that each Christian is called to provide generous support to his or her congregation, each congregation should honour a generous commitment to its district, and districts should extend such support for the Synod. CLMS is not in competition with other mission agencies. Rather, it wishes to provide an opportunity for those who have a special heart for missions, and agree with the objectives and methods of CLMS to use CLMS as a vehicle for supporting mission work at home and around the world.

Does CLMS receive income from estates and bequests?

CLMS encourages those who have a heart for mission work to consider making such bequests. The legal name which should be used in designating CLMS as a beneficiary is "Concordia Lutheran Mission Society, Inc." Our legal address is 3074 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3K 0Y2 (The same as the national office of Lutheran Church–Canada.)

Our Vision

"Empowered by God's own mission to save the world, the mission of Concordia Lutheran Mission Society, is to enlist the prayers, gifts, and energies of God's people in Lutheran Church–Canada to share the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever God provides opportunity."

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All on line donations are forwarded weekly to CLMS. A receipt will be issued for your donation by CanadaHelps, a not for profit organization, which deducts a 3.9% service fee from every donation. CLMS will also issue an acknowledgement for your gift.

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