The phrase “three square meals a day” means nothing to the poorest children in Nicaragua. They consider themselves blessed if they have a single meal a day.
Lutheran congregations are reaching out to families in their communities to provide one, healthy, nutritious meal per week. It may not sound like much, but for many of these children it’s the one thing that will help them stay healthy.
The meal program gives pastors and deaconesses the opportunity to meet families who are not part of the church community and tell them about God’s love in Jesus Christ, then demonstrate that love in a very practical way with a wholesome meal—the Bread of Life and real bread for life—outreach in word and deed.
It’s not expensive to feed up to 80 children. It costs $280 per child for a year—that’s less than $5.50 a week! Your support can make all the difference in the life of a child and bring to them and their families the Good News.