From Marilyn Witte
CLMS Projects Co-Director
Over 80 dedicated servants of the Lord from the Lutheran Church in Southeast Asia and North America gathered last month in Thailand to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Thailand Lutheran Church. Stories were told of the struggles and blessings in Malasia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Cambodia, and Thailand. Several times the pastors mentioned that they were so grateful for the Lutheran Church and knowing that they were ‘saved by Grace’ and ‘faith alone.’ Other denominations stress ‘work righteousness’, but as Lutherans we are free from the guilt of earning our way to heaven.
We visited congregations in Bangkok, Phuket, and Chaing Mai. In the smaller villages a church service was always held and we were treated with refreshments. They honoured our presence.
Pastor Niran and Esther hosted us in Chaing Mai. The church has success among the Hill Tribes and we visited that area.
All in all, the trip made the world of Lutherans much larger. Singing ‘How Great thou Art’ in many different languages is a memory I will never forget. It is how heaven will be.
I was gifted a stole. It brought tears to my eyes because I remembered my husband Harold’s ordination and installations. I guess it is a yoke a woman can have in Lutheran Church Canada.
Thank you for allowing me to represent Concordia Lutheran Mission Society at the Thailand Lutheran Church’s celebration. I shall never forget the kindness, goodness and faith of my brothers and sisters halfway across the world.