Mission updates at CLMS event

Neitzel presentation

Dr. Leonardo Neitzel provides an update on LCC Missions.

KITCHENER, Ont. – At Concordia Lutheran Mission Society’s (CLMS) Annual General Meeting and Mission Festival, Sunday, February 8 at Faith Lutheran Church, almost 60 people heard the latest mission news from Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), celebrated overseas mission activities, and heard first-hand of mission challenges in Ukraine.

Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, Mission Executive for Lutheran Church-Canada, provided a detailed update on LCC’s mission fields including Ukraine, Southeast Asia, Canada and Central America. Sharing photos and stories Dr. Neitzel provided the audience with an engaging look at both the successes and challenges faced by mission workers and those they serve.

Alexey skype chat

Attendees participated in a video chat with Ukrainian pastor, Rev. Alexey Navrotskyy, who is currently studying in Edmonton with the assistance of CLMS Partners in Mission.

Using Skype, the gathering participated in an interactive video call with Rev. Alexey Navrotskyy of Ukraine, who is involved in an intensive two-year study program at Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton. This program, supported by CLMS, will enable Rev. Navrotskyy to improve his theological education and share his knowledge and experience with his fellow pastors in Ukraine upon his return. The pastor fielded a number of audience questions ranging from how he and his family are adjusting to life in Edmonton, to how the current turmoil in Ukraine is impacting the church there.  An offering taken in support of Pastor Navrotskyy’s studies raised almost $2500. (You can contribute to Alexey’s efforts by supporting project 1501 – Foreign Student Fund.)

Lisa Jackson recognition

Lisa Jackson receives a certificate of appreciation from CLMS president, Rev. Cliff Haberstock on behalf of her mission team to Nicaragua.

For the first time, CLMS presented Certificates of Appreciation in recognition of the many congregational and area teams venturing into the mission field. Recipients this year included Jane Ford and Lisa Jackson representing two Vacation Bible School teams and Reg Zotzman for an educational mission to supply laptops in Nicaragua.

Since CLMS exists to support the mission and ministry of Lutheran Church–Canada, the afternoon concluded with the presentation of a cheque for $14,340 to Dr. Neitzel by CLMS president, Rev. Cliff Haberstock. The funds represent the final 2014 gifts from people across Canada who had supported CLMS projects over the past year.

Rev. Haberstock expressed the thanks of CLMS to Rev. Warren Hamp and the people of Faith Kitchener for hosting the event and for all who came to hear about the wonderful work done by our Synod with the support of the society’s “Partners In Mission.”

cheque presentation

CLMS President Rev. Cliff Haberstock, hands cheque completing 2014 project commitments to LCC Mission Executive Dr. Leonardo Neitzel.

Ministry with youth and children

The outreach team prepares for a busy summer.

The outreach team prepares for a busy summer.

Young people everywhere enjoy getting together for fun and fellowship, especially when they can share their common faith and tell others about it. That’s what’s happening in Ukraine throughout the year.

During the summer of 2014 a Vacation Bible school team visited and worked in three congregations for six weeks supporting summer children’s programs, as well as working with children during the Days of Faith annual conference. God blessed the efforts with an opportunity to reach almost 150 children.

In the Black Sea area almost 90 young people and parents enjoyed a summer youth camp in 2014. They spent time in God’s Word focusing on the letters to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation.

These gatherings continue throughout the year. During winter young people go to Concordia Seminary in Odessa to spend time in God´s Word and pray for the peace in our country and for each other.

Ministry to young people in SELCU is very important. These projects not only help congregations by working with children or inviting new children to hear the Gospel, they also help to train new leaders for congregations, future pastors and teachers. They help young people invest in Christian education and give them an opportunity to support their pastors and churches.

Your support provides funds for transportation, training leaders, producing material, and supplying meals for the events.

I want to support the outreach to young people in Ukraine.

(Project 1523) Goal: $6900


Preparing pastors

1522 UK seminary

Students and visitors listen to a lecture.

Political unrest postponed the classes at the Concordia Seminary in Odessa in 2014. However, the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU), which is responsible for the seminary, decided in November 2014 to resume classes in September 2015.

The students receive instruction from visiting teachers and professors from North America who work with translators. It’s an intensive residential program with meals prepared on campus. With many SELCU congregations struggling to support their pastors, the members have little funding to support the seminary. However, they are generous with support of produce and their volunteer time.

A new front for the seminary has arisen as church bodies in neighbouring countries which do not have a Seminary may send their students to Odessa.

This project helps cover operational costs and faculty travel.

Your support ensures the Lutheran church in Ukraine is served by well-trained pastors with a deep love for God, His Word and His people.

 I want to support preparing pastors for service.

(Project 1522) Goal: $2000

Prison mission and ministry

Prisoners are eager to study God's Word.

Prisoners are eager to study God’s Word.

A team of missionaries from the Synod of Evangelical Churches in Ukraine (SELCU) started a mission in two high-security prisons in Nikolaev province. Missionary Rev. Alexander Urchenko and Deacon Sergey Bondarenko visit the prison weekly, holding services, conducting Bible studies and providing support for the inmates.

This project covers transportation costs, literature and provides practical help for the inmates including medicine, tea, warm clothes, books and food.

I want to help support Christian outreach to prisoners.

(Project 1521) Goal: $1260


Outreach to students in Odessa

Students gather to study God's Word and for fellowship.

Students gather to study God’s Word and for fellowship.

For more than four years the pastor of the church in Odessa, Rev. Oleg Shevchenko, and a team of volunteers has conducted an evangelism ministry with college and university students in Odessa.

Each week they hold Bible studies and organize various special projects: thematic evenings, discussion clubs, hikes, conferences and competitions.

The goal this year is to reach out not only to the university students, but also to young people studying in the area’s trade schools.

This project supports the purchase of Christian literature, printed materials for meetings and the rental of facilities.

I want to help reach out with the Gospel to students.

(Project 1520) Goal: $1260


A pastor for mission congregations

People gather to hear the Good News of the Gospel.

People gather to hear the Good News of the Gospel.

Unwilling to keep the Good News of the Gospel to themselves, the people of Concordia Lutheran Church in Nikolayev started ministry in two villages, Bogomazi and Yeleniy Yar, as well as in a local prison. In 2014 a church building in Bogomazi was dedicated and each Sunday afternoon a handful of believers meet for worship led by a Lutheran preacher from Nikolayev. But there is so much more that could be done!

People in Bogomazi need a resident Lutheran pastor, someone to work with the congregation by preaching, teaching confirmation classes and leading adult, child, and youth Bible studies. He would serve between 50-60 people. Currently, a seminary student, Vicar Valera Verba, is part of this ministry but what will happen when his studies are over?

Concordia Lutheran Church hopes to send a permanent full-time minster to serve the needs of these congregations and conduct outreach activities. The church has gathered support for transportation and a small salary, but it is asking you, through CLMS, to provide funding for a place for the pastor to live. The rent is only $150/month!


Your support for this project helps insure the growing ministry in this area continues.

I will help provide the rent for at least one month.

(Project 1519) Goal: $1800

Lutheran Gatherings in Ukraine

1518 UK Conference

Lutheran women gather for a “Days of Faith” conference.

Since the time of the first-century Church believers have gathered for worship, support, fellowship and decision making. In Ukraine the Lutheran churches are far-flung and congregation members can easily feel isolated in their small parishes. To develop a better sense of community, the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU) organizes retreats for men and women throughout the year and its Synod Board of Directors meets quarterly to discuss theological and practical issues facing the church.

Together the gatherings encourage the faith of believers through studying God’s Word and fellowship as they “bear one another’s burdens.”

Most of the time those involved in the gatherings bring food from their own gardens or farms that volunteers prepare for meals. Others struggle to find enough money to travel.

Although not rich in financial resources SELCU members are growing in their faith. After attending retreats and meetings they take their renewed faith back to their villages and congregations to share with others who need to know of God’s love.

By supporting this project you are partnering with God’s mission to sow and grow the seeds of the Gospel in Ukraine. Your gift will supply funds for transportation, food, and teaching resources.

I want to support the people of SELCU.

(Project 1518) Goal: $2,900


Bible study and outreach in Zorya, Ukraine

1517 UK Zarya

Vicar Sergey Bevz

Each week Vicar Sergey Bevz, a Lutheran seminary student, travels to Zorya, a village outside the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. His mission is to help build the faith of Lutheran Church members in the village by conducting Bible studies. But it doesn’t stop there.

Since Canadian pastor Rev. Roland Syens began the studies almost 20 years ago, the gathering has included those who are not yet part of the Christian family. So the study is both an opportunity to build up the faith of the believers— which include key members of the Lutheran Church and Alpha and Omega Student Society in Dnepro— and lead others to learn more of God’s love for them in Jesus Christ as they study God’s Word together.

But before the study begins the leader has to prepare study materials, then get to the village. And like many in Ukraine he doesn’t have his own transportation or resources for photocopying handouts.

That’s where you can help by providing support for bus fare and study materials.

It’s not much—less than $95 a month—but over a year it adds up.

Your support of this project will contribute to building the spiritual health of Lutherans in the Dnepropretrovsk area and reach out to those who need to hear the Gospel.

I want to support the mission work in Zorya for at least a month

(Project 1517) Goal: $1,100

Theological education in Canada for foreign students

Pastor Navrotskyy and family.

Pastor Navrotskyy and family.

Missionary Rev. Alexey Navrotskyy from Ukraine is equipping himself for service by learning more of God’s Word and Lutheran theology at Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton. He arrived in the fall of 2014 with his family with the goal of completing his theological education by 2016. With this type of education he can provide strong leadership in his church body in Ukraine and continue his missionary work for Lutheran Church–Canada. (This is carried forward from project #1403)

I want to help support Pastor Navrotskyy’s theological training in Canada.

(Project 1501) Goal: $20,000


Hope in troubled Ukraine

Children learned about God's love during a vacation Bible school in Ukraine.

Children learned about God’s love during a vacation Bible school in Ukraine.

As Canada drifts through winter, summer is a warm memory and an ever-present hope. For children, teens and young adults in Ukraine, the summer of 2014 brought national tension and uncertainty.

Yet for some, who benefitted from Lutheran Christian summer camps and vacation Bible schools supported by Concordia Lutheran Mission Society, this past summer introduced them to God’s love in Jesus Christ or encouraged them in their faith. This foundation of faith in young hearts points to a bright future for these Ukrainians.

And it doesn’t stop after summer is over.

Pastor Oleg Schewtschenko is planning a young adult winter retreat to fan the flames of faith.

You can help bring hope to young lives in Ukraine by supporting Concordia Lutheran Mission Society’s Ukraine projects.