Deaconess Support in Cambodia

Assisting with the ongoing training and support of the work of the deaconesses serving in Cambodia. This is completed by covering their travel expenses, material costs, and providing them with a small stipend.

I want to support deaconesses in Cambodia.

Project 2517 Goal: $15,000


Mission & Ministry Support for Southern Thailand

Rev. Suchart Chujit continues to serve the parish of Khok Kloi with worshiping communities in Kapong, Grassom, Thaimong and Tung Maphrao. as well as new preaching stations in the Phuket region. This project provides a stipend to supplement Rev. Chujit’s income and covers some transportation costs, enabling him to offer the ministry of Word and Sacrament throughout this region.

CLMS has posted the video of Thai children playing angklungs, bamboo instruments. They played “Take it to the Lord in Prayer” at the 2024 Thailand Lutheran Church 20th anniversary celebrations. YouTube may offer further videos, but we take no responsibility for their content as they do not necessarily support the beliefs of CLMS.

I want to support Pastor Chujit in Thailand.

Project 2515 Goal: $12,000


Mission & Ministry of Rev. Chujit in Khok Kloi, Thailand

Rev. Suchart Chujit continues to serve the parish of Khok Kloi with worshiping communities in Kapong, Grassom, Thaimong and Tung Maphrao. as well as new preaching stations in the Phuket region. This project povides a stipend to supplement Rev. Chujit’s income and covers some transportation costs, enabling him to offer the ministry of Word and Sacrament throughout this region.

I want to support Pastor Chujit in Thailand.

Project 2116 Goal: $12,000


Theological Training in Cambodia

Three theological seminars for church workers were provided in 2019, and four are planned for 2020. This project will provide for course materials and for transportation and accommodation costs for instructors and church workers.

Thanks to our donors, this project is being funded in 2021 with donations from 2020 that went unused due to COVID-19 impacts. Additional donations are not required at this time.

South Thailand Theological Training

The Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church is continuing the training of three young men living in the south and unable to attend the seminary in Bangkok. Last year two courses were completed, and four courses will be offered in 2020. This project will cover the costs of transportation and accommodation of the instructors, and materials for the courses.

Thanks to our donors, this project is being funded in 2021 with donations from 2020 that went unused due to COVID-19 impacts. Additional donations are not required at this time.

Theological Training in Cambodia

Three theological seminars for church workers were provided in 2019, and four are planned for 2020. This project will provide for course materials and for transportation and accommodation costs for instructors and church workers.

I want to support theological education in Cambodia.

Project 2021 Goal: $7,500


Mission and Ministry in Khok Kloi, Thailand

Rev. Suchart Chujit continues to serve the parish of Khok Kloi with worshiping communities in Kapong, Grassom, Thaimong and Tung Maphrao. as well as new preaching stations in the Phuket region. This project povides a stipend to supplement Rev. Chujit’s income and covers some transportation costs, enabling him to offer the ministry of Word and Sacrament throughout this region.

I want to support Pastor Chujit in Thailand.

Project 2019 Goal: $12,000


South Thailand Theological Training

The Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church is continuing the training of three young men living in the south and unable to attend the seminary in Bangkok. Last year two courses were completed, and four courses will be offered in 2020. This project will cover the costs of transportation and accommodation of the instructors, and materials for the courses.

I want to support seminary training for pastoral candidates in South Thailand.

Project 2020 Goal: $5,500


Mission and Ministry to Kokkloi, Thailand

Since 1989 Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has supported mission work in Thailand and most recently this has been through Pastor Suchart Chujit. Pastor Chujit works hard to make the most of what he has, and sells rubber to supplement the modest support that LCC provides. His health has been compromised by two accidents and he is working hard to train leaders despite slow support from Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church.

I want to support Pastor Chujit in Thailand.

Project 1922 Goal: $12,000


Theological Education for Pastors & Church Workers, Cambodia

Our sister Church in Cambodia has requested LCC to provide three short-term theological seminars in 2019 for their pastors and deaconesses to help them grow in the knowledge of their faith so that they may be better equipped to minister to their people and address the needs of the Church.

I want to support theological education in Cambodia.

Project 1924 Goal: $7,500