Tarp for the mission in Altos de Vera Cruz, Leon

1416Pastor Henry started a new mission in the community of Alto de Vera Cruz in the province of Leon. Sometimes the members can meet in homes but often they gather under shade trees, which is fine when it doesn’t rain! This project will provide a protective tarp which will be a great blessing for worship and Bible studies.

I want to help buy a tarp to provide shelter for the church activities.

(Project 1416) Goal: $1550

New mission start in Managua

1418Since 1997 the Lord has blessed Nicaragua with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and such things as children’s Christian education programs, theological education, continuing education, medical clinics, and social ministry. The work has developed mostly in the northwest Pacific region and south of Managua, the capital. For years the Lutheran Church–Canada has prayed to work with the ILSN to start a new mission in Managua. This project will assist with the following major items: transportation of vicars and pastors, mission and children’s education resources, rental of a house for worship services, and utilities.

I want to help support the new mission work in Managua.

(Project 1418) Goal: $5000

Facility rentals in Sebaco

1417Pastor Hector Morales and his wife, Deaconess Cristina continue focusing on mission outreach in the community of Sebaco, about 40km south of Matagalpa. Around 25 to 30 people attend Bible studies regularly. The mission rents two houses in Sebaco: one for the missionary and the other for the mission activities and worship services. This project provides support for Pastor Hector’s mission outreach and the facility rental in Sebaco.

I want to help provide a place for worship and a home for the missionaries.

(Project 1417) Goal: $5500


Electronic theological library for Central America church workers

1421A functional, integrated computer network at LCC’s mission centre in Nicaragua would benefit all church workers serving in Central America when they visit for continuing education, conventions, meetings, seminars and events. This project will help fund the computers and networking equipment needed to fulfill this mission.

I want to help provide computer access to Spanish theological resources in Central America.

(Project 1421) Goal: $3000

Desks for new children’s Christian education programs in five communities

1420The Children’s Christian Education Program has grown to more than 700 children. Each of the 23 ILSN congregations has a Christian education or feeding program for children.In some communities the children’s school desks are used for classes, in the worship services, and as tables for lunch. Five new communities need 25 desks each for the 2014 Children’s Christian Education Program—a total 125 desks. Each desk costs approximately $25.50.

I want to help provide desks for the new children’s Christian education programs.

(Project 1420) Goal: $3150

Musical instruments and musicians for church communities

1419Many Nicaraguan congregations have members who are being trained to play keyboard for worship. Nicaraguans love music and love to sing. Music is also an important and culturally relevant outreach tool. This project will allow Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua to purchase instruments and train local church musicians to accompany worship services and undertake mission outreach.

I want to help support buying instruments and training musicians for worship and outreach.

(Project 1419) Goal: $5000

Support for Thai missionary Rev. Suchat Chujit

1422Missionaries Suchat Chujit and Suchat Srikakan continue their missionary work in the southern province of Thailand in the region of Takuapa and Phang-nga province. As Pastor Chujit provides ministry for his local congregations he continues reaching out to individuals and families in the area, building contacts for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and starting home Bible studies and worship services. This project helps provide the stipends, utilities, transportation, telephone and worship materials for the congregations and preaching stations under missionary Chujit’s care.

I want to help support the ongoing ministry and outreach of Pastor Chujit.

(Project 1422) Goal: $8700

Vacation Bible school and seasonal Bible camps

1425This project supports vacation children’s camps (VBS) where up to 250 children take part, a summer camping program where nearly 110 young people participate, and a winter youth conference which gathers groups from SELCU congregations for worship, fellowship and study at the Odessa Theological Seminary. This work with children and youth is very important to the church in Ukraine.

I want to help support outreach to and ministry with young people.

(Project 1425) Goal: $6000

Mission and ministry to prisoners

1424A team of missionaries from the Synod of Evangelical Churches in Ukraine (SELCU) started a mission in two high-security prisons in Nikolaev province. Missionary Rev. Alexander Urchenko and Deacon Sergey Bondarenko visit the prison weekly, holding services and enjoying fellowship. This project will cover transportation costs, literature and provide help for the inmates including medicine, tea, warm clothes, books and food.

I want to help support Christian outreach to prisoners.

(Project 1424) Goal: $1050

Seminary program in Odessa

1423Currently, four students are enrolled for the next series of seminary course scheduled to start in September 2014. At its recent convention, the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU) opened the door for other churches in Eastern Europe to send their students to the seminary in Odessa. This is seen as a great opportunity for SELCU to expand its connection with other Lutheran churches and become a regional centre for theological education. This project contributes towards food, travel, utilities, translators, and a cook at the seminary.

I want to help support pastoral preparation in Ukraine.

(Project 1423) Goal: $10,000