Three motorbikes for Deaconesses

1402The countryside of Cambodia has few paved roads. Getting from one village to another is a matter of using dirt roads, tracks and dikes. In the dry season they are dusty and rough yet passable. In the rainy season the roads, tracks and dikes become almost impassable except for motorcycles. This project will provide motorcycles to three deaconesses to use for their evangelism work.

I want to help support the work of Cambodian deaconesses in the most remote areas.

(Project 1402) Goal: $5400

Vehicle for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cambodia

1401The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cambodia (ELCC) faces a challenge transporting groups of people to visit the work of pastors and deaconesses in remote areas of Cambodia. This project will supply a used eight-passenger vehicle to allow the ELCC staff and leadership to visit the missions and social ministry sites and to meet with community leaders.

I want to help purchase an eight passenger used vehicle. 

(Project 1401) Goal: $8400

South Asian Christian radio outreach

1404For many new Canadians, radio programs in Canada which reflect their language and culture are important. Knowing this, Javed Ahkter, a Lutheran Church-Canada Pastors with Alternate Training student, developed a radio program called Hamd-O-Sanaa – Praise and Worship – which features a 20-minute Bible study, 20-minute topical discussion and 20 minutes of Christian music. This program reaches the ears of Pakistani, Hindi and Punjabi people who are also Muslim, Sikh or Hindu by faith. It also enjoys a strong Christian following among its listeners. In addition, the program can be heard in Pakistan and Iran. (This is carried forward from project #1323)

I want to help support radio outreach to new Canadians.

(Project 1404) Goal: $5000

Children’s Christian Education Program

1405Deaconess Betty Retana, together with her husband, Pastor Edmundo, lead this program which gathers children weekly for special Bible story time, catechesis, fellowship, snacks and refreshment. This project funds basic needs such as a stipend for the deaconess, educational resources, Bibles, Catechisms, teaching resources and tools as well as helps with the cost of food and transportation for the children.

I want to help support the outreach to children in Costa Rica.

(Project 1405) Goal: $6000

Facility rentals for outreach in Cartago and San Jose

1406By God’s grace Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission in Costa Rica is expanding into the large city of Cartago and into the capital, San Jose.Several mission and social ministry services have started in Cartago such as Bible study for women, outreach to teenagers in challenging life situations, sewing, Bible study groups, international mission teams’ work and other activities.A new outreach has now started in the capital San Jose with the vision of making it a Lutheran national/international connection since the capital is the north-south road in Central America. The church is not able to afford property in Costa Rica so rental facilities are needed in both cities.

I want to help support outreach in Cartago and San Jose.

(Project 1406) Goal: $11,380

Children’s Christian education program in Alajuelita

1407In the community of Alajuelita, near San Jose, several children participate regularly in the church programs. Deaconess Betty Solorzano together with Pastor Edmundo supervise this program.

The project funds will provide a small monthly stipend for the instructor as well as for Christian education and mission resources.

I want to help support children’s Christian education.

(Project 1407) Goal: $2400

Support for a missionary and deaconess team in Costa Rica

1408Pastor Edmundo Retana and his wife, Deaconess Betty, welcome and work alongside visiting teams from Canada and the United States. The Lutheran outreach in Costa Rica is grateful to all who visit to help expand the mission work and Christian education program. Unlike some other Central American mission fields, Costa Rica enjoys a relatively high standard of living, which means it is more expensive to work and live there. This project will assist the pastor and his wife with housing, utilities, transportation, office supplies and a stipend. (This is carried forward from project #1310)

I want to help support the work of Pastor Edmundo and Deaconess Betty

(Project 1408) Goal: $6000

Outreach and ministry in Olanchito

1409Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) fully supports the mission and educational work in Honduras, more specifically in the northern city of Olanchito. Missionary Douglas Aguilar has established a community of believers with a scattered church in the city. This project will assist LCC’s mission work in the city.

I want to help support Pastor Douglas’ proclamation of the Gospel in word and deed.

(Project 1409) Goal: $4500

Vacation Bible school outreach to thousands of children

1410A great missionary method and strategy in Central America is outreach through activities with children. The population is large and the children bring the deaconesses and missionaries into their families and their relatives’ homes. Vacation Bible schools take place mostly during January through March each year. This project provides teaching resources, books, crafts, crayons, Bibles, Bible story books, pencils, pens, paper, transportation, food, snacks, water, refreshment, stipends for volunteers, medical emergency kits for the VBS programs.

I want to help support outreach to children through vacation Bible schools.

(Project 1410) Goal: $6000

Deaconess support

1411The work of the deaconesses of Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) has blessed the church’s mission and education in Central America. Their major focus is assisting the pastors to provide Christian education or catechesis for children. They are key to the success of the Children’s education program.Most deaconesses receive a small stipend via the Children`s Christian Education Program (CLMS project #1412). This project provides extra support of around $25–$30/month for each of the 15 deaconesses.

I want to help provide additional support to the deaconesses.

(Project 1411) Goal: $4500