Farming for the future in Nicaragua

1512 NIC Ag project

Cultivating the land around the mission centre will provide employment, fruits, vegetables and a model for future farms.

When God provides land, He expects His people to make the most of it. That’s what’s happening in Chinandega, Nicaragua.

Development on the land purchased for Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission office currently includes the Martin Luther Chapel, where the Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) holds large gatherings and classes; an efficient building for offices and classrooms; a health clinic; sewing school; and dormitories for theological students and staff. Even with this development, there is a large section of land ready for the next step—a sustainable agricultural project.

The mission plans to develop the soil then plant fruit trees, crops, and flowers that will help support the mission, provide employment, and establish a model farm for teaching and replication across the church. It’s an ambitious project developed by an experienced Canadian agricultural expert who sees the potential for Gospel outreach and generating sustainable financial support for the church.

To help get things started the project needs funds to employ a caretaker for hands-on maintenance and extra workers to begin developing the land for planting.

The project demonstrates the desire to exercise good stewardship and a vision for the future of the church and how it touches the lives in the communities in which it serves. You can be part of it!

I want to help support this unique farming venture!

(Project 1512) Goal: $5000