The “Bread of Life” and real bread for life

1507 NIC feeding

For less than $5.50 per week, children can receive a nutritious meal.

The phrase “three square meals a day” means nothing to the poorest children in Nicaragua. They consider themselves blessed if they have a single meal a day.

Lutheran congregations are reaching out to families in their communities to provide one, healthy, nutritious meal per week. It may not sound like much, but for many of these children it’s the one thing that will help them stay healthy.

The meal program gives pastors and deaconesses the opportunity to meet families who are not part of the church community and tell them about God’s love in Jesus Christ, then demonstrate that love in a very practical way with a wholesome meal—the Bread of Life and real bread for life—outreach in word and deed.

It’s not expensive to feed up to 80 children. It costs $280 per child for a year—that’s less than $5.50 a week! Your support can make all the difference in the life of a child and bring to them and their families the Good News.

I would like to feed a child for a year.

(Project 1507) Goal: $8000

Desks wearing out in Nicaraguan classrooms

Desks used in the Christian education program are wearing out.

Desks used in the Christian education program are wearing out.

The children’s Christian education program in Nicaragua is wrapping up another successful year. With 675 children in classes almost every day, it’s no wonder their desks need replacing.

Children in Nicaragua spend half their day in state-run schools and the other half in classes at churches of Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) where trained deaconesses provide Christian education and academic tutoring. While at their desks the children not only study but also eat their lunch.

The weekday classrooms also serve as places of worship on Sunday when the desks are used for Sunday school. Concordia Lutheran Mission Society collects funds to buy new desks each year. You can be part of a child’s educational experience by purchasing a desk for $25.

What a great Christmas gift!

The harvest is great and the workers are few

The harvest is great and the workers are few – Deaconess Support

The work of the deaconesses is of great importance to children’s education in the Christian faith. Through this project more than 15 deaconesses will receive a stipend to supplement the small amount of money they receive from the Children’s Education Program so they can support the needs of their families.

Project amount – $4,500
I want to help support this project (1206)

A chance to learn for special needs children


Chance to learn for special needs children – Special Needs Program

Costa Rican school

Costa Rican school

Providing seven school-age boys and girls with basic financial assistance so they can study regularly in the public schools. The scholarship would include school supplies and assist them with transportation to school.

Project amount – $1,575
I want to help support this project (1203)