Street Ministry Outreach in Regina

Rev. Jacob Quast, Domestic Mission Director and Rev. DJ Kim Street Chaplain

Reaching out with the Gospel to those on the streets is a daunting task. LCC has been blessed to have Missionary-at-Large, Rev. DJ Kim, serve as street reach chaplain in Regina. He has described the police car he uses as a “mobile church” in which he is able to reach out with both God’s Law and Gospel to many young people associated with gangs and/or criminal activities. The time he spends with members of Regina’s police force also enables him to care for those first responders who regularly face tremendous evil and heartache. Rev. Kim is uniquely situated to share the life-giving and life-changing Gospel to all these individuals, and has witnessed the Holy Spirit touch many lives through the Word that is proclaimed. LCC is truly blessed to have such a dedicated and gifted servant of the Word providing this vital ministry to those in need in Regina.

I want to support troubled youth and young adults in Regina.

Project 2503 Goal: $10,000
