This is a notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Concordia Lutheran Mission Society, to be held on Sunday, May 7th at 1:30pm, at Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church, 700 Glen Forrest Blvd., Waterloo, Ontario.
- Opening Prayer and call to Order
- Minutes from 2016 AGM (Appended below for reference)
- 2016 Financial Statements
- Election of Directors (confirmation of vote results and board appointments)
- Other business
- Adjournment and Closing Prayer
A Q&A session with Rev. Roland Syens, regarding our work in Ukraine will be held following the formal portion of the meeting.
For any questions, please contact Jon Oberholzer at .
Annual General Meeting Minutes
Faith Lutheran Church, Saskatoon, SK
January 31, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Cliff Haberstock and opened with a prayer by Rev. Ralph Mayan.
Rev. Haberstock briefly explained that “members of the society” are all those who have made donations in the past two years, and described the purpose of the meeting. He introduced the 2016 Board of Directors to those in attendance.
Rev. Roland Syens and Marilyn Witte, Co-Directors of Ministries and Projects, briefly reported on our 2015 projects. All were fully funded except one, and the remaining balance on this project was carried forward to 2016. They also referred to the complete list of approved projects which had been distributed to everyone as they entered the meeting.
Pastor Haberstock mentioned that a 2015 financial statement was on the opposite side of the same paper as the project listing.
Pastor Haberstock also announced that he had award certificates for the following Mission Advocates: Lisa Jackson and her team that had recently returned from mission work in Nicaragua; Jon Oberholzer and the team that he was part of, who had been in Nicaragua before Christmas; Reg Zotzman who would be leaving for Nicaragua to do computer training in February; and Al Turner who goes to Nicaragua each year to help with the agricultural project at the Mission Centre.
The meeting was adjourned and Rev. Roland Syens led in prayer.
Following the meeting, Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel gave a presentation about the missions with which LCC is involved in Central America, Southeast Asia and Ukraine. He also asked Lisa Jackson, Jon Oberholzer and Reg Zotzman to briefly share some of their experiences in the mission field. The offering was designated for Thailand – Missionary Support. A joint choir from the congregations of Faith Lutheran and St. Paul’s Lutheran sang a number of pieces throughout the afternoon as well as leading us in several hymns.
Afterwards, refreshments were provided by Faith Lutheran Church.