Equipping the Churches, Cambodia

As Cambodia Lutheran Church’s ministry continues to grow and expand, many new churches, particularly in economically challenged areas, do not yet have pulpits, altars, and baptismal fonts. This project is to help CLC procure these essential tools and equipment for conducting the Divine Services in new congregations across the country.

I want to support divine service development in Cambodia.

Project 2519 Goal: $5,000


Ministry Support in Cambodia

LCC continues to play an important role in assisting our young sister Church, Cambodia Lutheran Church (CLC) grow and expand their mission work and ministry. This project will support ongoing theological education for the church workers serving the church, as well as administrative support for CLC. LCC is planning to offer four seminars in 2025. Funds for this project will cover transportation costs, food and boarding for students during the seminars, and materials.

I want to support the theological education for Cambodia church workers.

Project 2518 Goal: $12,000


Deaconess Support in Cambodia

Assisting with the ongoing training and support of the work of the deaconesses serving in Cambodia. This is completed by covering their travel expenses, material costs, and providing them with a small stipend.

I want to support deaconesses in Cambodia.

Project 2517 Goal: $15,000
