Children’s Christian Education in Nicaragua

1303If we don’t have school uniforms and supplies we can’t go to school. But people in Canada help us so now we can learn about God’s love and His world.

Each year 650 children attend the Children’s Christian Education program at Lutheran churches. This project will support 60 of those children by supplying the necessary school uniforms, shoes, school supplies, snacks/lunch, teaching resources, and a small stipend for the deaconesses who help them (and many more) with homework and teach God’s Word. Often the deaconesses meet with families to offer spiritual and practical guidance.

The results of this program now include some former students preparing to become pastors and deaconesses.

I want to help support children’s education in Nicaragua (#1303) $7,500 ($125/child)

Medical and Dental Clinic in Chinandega, Nicaragua

A team of qualified medical and dental staff provide their services to the Chinandega clinic.

A team of qualified medical and dental staff provide their services to the Chinandega clinic.

We live as low income families in Chinandega and vicinity. Thanks to the qualified medical doctor and a team of nurses the clinic is open on a weekly basis for medical and dental consultation, medication and referrals.

While visiting the clinic, patients can also receive spiritual care from pastors and deaconesses when contacted by them before, during or after treatment.

By supporting this clinic and the work of pastors and deaconesses there, you can help the people of Chinandega as they seek healing for body and soul.

I want to help support the medical clinic and the counseling services it offers (#1304) $5,000

Sebaco Rental Facilities, Nicaragua

1306I am Missionary Hector Morales and along with my wife, Deaconess Cristina, we are reaching out to the community of Sebaco with the message of God’s love.

The couple began the Sebaco mission with home Bible studies which draw in 25 – 30 people on a regular basis. In addition, they find ways to reach out to children and families. Currently, they rent two buildings – one for their home and another for worship and mission activities. Funds from this project cover rent, living expenses, utilities, transportation, and mission resources.

God is blessing the work of Pastor Hector and Deaconess Christina as hungry souls are fed with the Bread of Life.

I want to help the pastor and his wife in their outreach work (#1306) $5,500

Missionary in Rivas and Jinotepe, Nicaragua

1305I am Missionary Rufino. I am continuing the Lord’s outreach ministry in Rivas and Jinotepe and by His grace, soon in La Pita and Managua, Nicaragua’s capital city.

The pastor conducts worship services, Bible study and will soon offer a children’s Christian education program. This project will help with ongoing expenses such as housing, utilities, transportation, office material and a stipend.

Supporting the work of Missionary Rufino ensures his ongoing ministry and planting congregations in new mission fields.

I want to help support Missionary Rufino and see the proclamation of God’s Word expand in Nicaragua (#1305) $10,310

Tarp and Chairs for Worship, Nicaragua

1307With no building either available or affordable, we meet in the open. Sometimes God brings the rains and sometimes the sun.

The immediate solution to providing a usable space for worship and Bible study is tarps to provide shelter from the weather and chairs for everyone.


I want to help provide these basic necessities for God’s people to gather for worship and to hear and study His Word. (#1307) $1,550

Cartago and San Jose Rental Facilities, Costa Rica

1308I am missionary Pastor Edmundo. Our mission in Cartago, Costa Rica has expanded and includes our capital, San Jose, which connects North America with South America by a well-travelled road way.

The pastor’s ministry includes several new programs for women and teenagers plus outreach to families. Being a small congregation, it can’t afford to purchase property so the pastor must rent buildings for worship and Bible studies.

Supporting Pastor Edmundo and his missionary work will sustain his outreach to men, women and children in Costa Rica.

I want to help spread God’s Word in Costa Rica (#1308) $7,880

Children’s Christian Education, Costa Rica

1309We look forward to our Christian education program when up to 60 of us gather weekly to learn about the Christian faith, hear Bible stories, play and learn together and enjoy snacks and refreshments.

The Christian education program also reaches parents who become involved by attending church.

To effectively operate and grow, the program needs basic materials: Bibles, catechisms, teaching resources, transportation and food.

I want to help support Christian education in Costa Rica  (#1309) $6000 ($150 per child)

Missionary and Deaconess support, Costa Rica

1310I am missionary Pastor Edmundo Retana and along with my wife, Deaconess Betty, we welcome and work alongside visiting teams from Canada and the United States.

The Lutheran outreach in Costa Rica is grateful to all who visit to help expand the mission work and Christian Education program. Unlike some other Central American mission fields, Costa Rica enjoys a relatively higher standard of living, which means it is more expensive to work and live there.

This project will assist the pastor and his wife with housing, utilities, transportation, office supplies and a stipend.

I want to help support the pastor and deaconess as they share God’s love in Costa Rica (#1408) $6,000

Outreach to adolescents at risk in Costa Rica

1311Young adolescents growing up surrounded by violence, drugs, sex, street life and broken family relationships are the target for a support group begun by Missionary Edmundo and Deaconess Betty Retana. Six to eight young people gather for Christian education, help with school studies and assistance in looking for work in the job market. The Lutheran missionary team visits with parents to offer support and counseling.

By the grace of God through Jesus Christ, with the help of their church family, these young people will grow to be productive adults.

In addition to the love they receive in the program, they also need teaching resources and snacks.

I want to help young people in Costa Rica learn of God’s love and overcome their life challenges (#1311) $1575 ($235 per adolescent)

Missionary in Olanchito, Honduras

1312My name is Missionary Douglas Aguilar. My mission outreach and educational programs are largely in the northern city of Olanchito. By God’s grace, we will soon be able to focus on outreach in the capital city of Tegucigalpa.

Missionary Douglas has served in Honduras since 2005 and God is blessing the proclamation of His Word and opening doors for further growth.

Your help will assist him with basic living expenses and material for the mission.

I want to help support the ongoing mission work of Pastor Douglas as he shares God’s message of salvation in Jesus Christ. (#1312) $4500