Outreach and ministry in Olanchito

1409Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) fully supports the mission and educational work in Honduras, more specifically in the northern city of Olanchito. Missionary Douglas Aguilar has established a community of believers with a scattered church in the city. This project will assist LCC’s mission work in the city.

I want to help support Pastor Douglas’ proclamation of the Gospel in word and deed.

(Project 1409) Goal: $4500

Support for a missionary and deaconess team in Costa Rica

1408Pastor Edmundo Retana and his wife, Deaconess Betty, welcome and work alongside visiting teams from Canada and the United States. The Lutheran outreach in Costa Rica is grateful to all who visit to help expand the mission work and Christian education program. Unlike some other Central American mission fields, Costa Rica enjoys a relatively high standard of living, which means it is more expensive to work and live there. This project will assist the pastor and his wife with housing, utilities, transportation, office supplies and a stipend. (This is carried forward from project #1310)

I want to help support the work of Pastor Edmundo and Deaconess Betty

(Project 1408) Goal: $6000

Children’s Christian education program

1412Each year more than 700 children attend the Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua’s (ILSN) children’s education program. Children enrol in the program and deaconesses teach groups of at least 25 children in their community either daily or two or three times a week. Each of the 23 communities in which the ILSN serves has a children’s outreach program. This project supports Christian Education Program for 60 children a year ($125 per child) in the following areas: school uniforms, shoes, school supplies, snacks/lunch, teaching resources, deaconess stipends.

I want to help support this ongoing program that reaches more than 700 children with the Gospel.

(Project 1412) Goal: $7500

Deaconess support

1411The work of the deaconesses of Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) has blessed the church’s mission and education in Central America. Their major focus is assisting the pastors to provide Christian education or catechesis for children. They are key to the success of the Children’s education program.Most deaconesses receive a small stipend via the Children`s Christian Education Program (CLMS project #1412). This project provides extra support of around $25–$30/month for each of the 15 deaconesses.

I want to help provide additional support to the deaconesses.

(Project 1411) Goal: $4500

Medical and Dental Clinic for low-income families

1413Through this clinic Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has assisted low-income families in Chinandega and vicinity with medical and dental consultation, medication and referrals. A qualified medical doctor and a team of nurses provide this weekly service at LCC’s mission centre in Chinandega. This is a shared project between Lutheran Church–Canada, Canadian Lutheran World Relief and Concordia Lutheran Mission Society. Together we provide the stipends for the medical and nursing staff and cover the costs for all medication required for their work.

I want to support the medical and dental clinic for low-income families.

(Project 1413) Goal: $3200

Motorcycle for Cristo Rey mission

1414A number of pastors in Nicaragua currently rely on public transportation as they minister to people in remote congregations and mission outreach programs. This takes a great amount of time. Also, there are communities, such as Cristo Rey, which are unreachable by public transportation during the rainy season. This project will provide a motorcycle rugged enough to handle the region’s unique terrain.

I want to help support the transportation needs of pastors serving Cristo Rey.

(Project 1414) Goal: $2500

Mission house rent in Rivas

1415Two students from the Seminario Reforma Luterana, the theological education program of Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua, are assigned for their vicarage in Rivas, Jinotepe and La Pita in 2014. This grant will help pay the rent for the worship place in Rivas.

I want to help support renting a space for Gospel proclamation and outreach.

(Project 1415) Goal: $5750

New mission start in Managua

1418Since 1997 the Lord has blessed Nicaragua with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and such things as children’s Christian education programs, theological education, continuing education, medical clinics, and social ministry. The work has developed mostly in the northwest Pacific region and south of Managua, the capital. For years the Lutheran Church–Canada has prayed to work with the ILSN to start a new mission in Managua. This project will assist with the following major items: transportation of vicars and pastors, mission and children’s education resources, rental of a house for worship services, and utilities.

I want to help support the new mission work in Managua.

(Project 1418) Goal: $5000

Facility rentals in Sebaco

1417Pastor Hector Morales and his wife, Deaconess Cristina continue focusing on mission outreach in the community of Sebaco, about 40km south of Matagalpa. Around 25 to 30 people attend Bible studies regularly. The mission rents two houses in Sebaco: one for the missionary and the other for the mission activities and worship services. This project provides support for Pastor Hector’s mission outreach and the facility rental in Sebaco.

I want to help provide a place for worship and a home for the missionaries.

(Project 1417) Goal: $5500


Electronic theological library for Central America church workers

1421A functional, integrated computer network at LCC’s mission centre in Nicaragua would benefit all church workers serving in Central America when they visit for continuing education, conventions, meetings, seminars and events. This project will help fund the computers and networking equipment needed to fulfill this mission.

I want to help provide computer access to Spanish theological resources in Central America.

(Project 1421) Goal: $3000