Vehicle For the Mission Centre

The current vehicle of the Mission Centre in Nicaragua has been an important and essential tool for our mission work in the country for the past decade. However, due to heavy use and the road conditions in the country, it’s starting to have mechanical problems. Because the Mission relies heavily on having a dependable vehicle, the Centre would like to sell the current vehicle and purchase a newer truck.

I want to support getting a vehicle for the Mission Centre in Nicaragua.

Project 2410 Goal: $24,000


Transportation for Pastors, Nicaragua

Helping address some of the repairs needed to keep the motorcycles that have been previously purchased road worthy.

I want to support transportation for pastors in Nicaragua.

Project 2408 Goal: $19,500


Support for Deaconesses and Families, Nicaragua

Educational training seminars, spiritual formation retreats, and mission service activities are provided with the assistance of LCC’s Diaconal Coordinator, Deaconess Olga Groh, to better equip and strengthen the valuable work of the deaconesses.

I want to support the deaconesses and their families.

Project 2407 Goal: $8,000


Music Education Program, Costa Rica

This project provides instruction in guitar and keyboard for the youth in Costa Rica through weekly visits by the music instructor. Funding provides for instruments and sheet music. Similar to the Nicaraguan program, the goal is to enrich the edification of the church communities through enhanced music worship.

I want to support music training for children and youth.

Project 2411 Goal: $4,200
