“Cycle” English Language Club in Dnepropetrovsk

Young adults from Living Waters Lutheran Church in Dnepro provide free English lessons to university students. Pastor Sergey Bevz provides the attendees with counselling and prayer support, while the young adults build relationships and invite the students to church. Funds are for rent, printed materials, lessons, transportation and snacks.

I want to support the English language outreach club in Ukraine.

Project 1921 Goal: $1,550


Mission and Ministry to Kokkloi, Thailand

Since 1989 Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has supported mission work in Thailand and most recently this has been through Pastor Suchart Chujit. Pastor Chujit works hard to make the most of what he has, and sells rubber to supplement the modest support that LCC provides. His health has been compromised by two accidents and he is working hard to train leaders despite slow support from Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church.

I want to support Pastor Chujit in Thailand.

Project 1922 Goal: $12,000


Theological Education for Pastors & Church Workers, Cambodia

Our sister Church in Cambodia has requested LCC to provide three short-term theological seminars in 2019 for their pastors and deaconesses to help them grow in the knowledge of their faith so that they may be better equipped to minister to their people and address the needs of the Church.

I want to support theological education in Cambodia.

Project 1924 Goal: $7,500

Theological Training for New Church Workers, Thailand

Three young deacons are currently assisting the pastors of Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC) and have requested formal seminary training to become pastors and further expand the ministry in the south of Thailand. TCLC is requesting LCC to assist them with quarterly short-term theological courses in the south for the next four years. LCC’s international missions executive will arrange an instructor for two of the four seminars and the other two courses will be taught by one of the pastors of TCLC.

I want to support seminary training for pastoral candidates in South Thailand.

Project 1923 Goal: $5,500


South Asian Radio Ministry

This unique and local program reaches out to Urdu speaking people on the radio in the Greater Toronto Area, and around the world on the Internet.

I want to support this important outreach.

Project 1925 Goal: $1,000
