More than 120 participants attend the annual conference, including people from occupied Crimea. Pastor Roland Syens and wife Anita led sessions that were so well received they have been invited to lead the conference again in 2018. Support for this conference will allow participants to gather and learn from their Canadian brothers and sisters.
Ministry and Mission in Zorya
Weekly Bible studies, meetings with students and teachers, humanitarian support for the needy, organizing social events for nonbelievers are just few activities led by the neighbouring Lutherans of Dnepropetrovsk. Up to 50 people have started visiting for Sunday worship.
I want to support the mission and ministry in Zorya, Ukraine.
“Cycle” English Language Club in Dnepropetrovsk
Young adults from Living Waters Lutheran Church in Dnepro provide free English lessons to university students. Pastor Sergey Bevz provides the attendees with counselling and prayer support, while the young adults build relationships and invite the students to church. Funds are for rent, printed materials, lessons, transportation and snacks.
I want to support the English language outreach club in Ukraine.
Mission and Ministry to Kokkloi, Thailand
Since 1989 Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has supported mission work in Thailand and most recently this has been through Pastor Suchart Chujit. Pastor Chujit works hard to make the most of what he has, and sells rubber to supplement the modest support that LCC provides. His health has been compromised by two accidents and he is working hard to train leaders despite slow support from Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church.