Feeding children in Nicaragua

1608-NIC-feeding eProvide Christian education and nutritious meals for 50 children in Somotillo, El Bonete and Granada. Depending on the region, $1.30 or $2.30 per child/per week feeds a child for a year.

I want to feed Nicaraguan children bread and the Bread of Life.

Project 1608 Goal $6,000


Vacation Bible School programs

1607-NIC-VBS eMake it possible for almost 2,200 Nicaraguan children to hear the Gospel through a Vacation Bible Sschool curriculum, and enjoy crafts and snacks across 31 church and mission locations.

I want children in Nicaragua to learn about Jesus.

Project 1607 Goal: $12,850


Deaconess support

1606-NIC-Deaconess support eFor only $20 per month for each of the 37 deaconesses in Nicaragua you can help these women with their important work by providing a living stipend and the cost of transportation to the communities where they teach and serve.

I want to support the deaconesses in Nicaragua.

Project 1606 Goal: $8,000


Children’s Christian education

1605-NIC-CCEducation eIglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) deaconesses assist children with their homework, help them with mathematics and literacy and teach and mentor the children in God’s word through Bible Stories and Luther’s Small Catechism.  $130 per child supplies 60 children a year with uniforms, shoes, school supplies, snacks/lunch and learning resources.

I want to support the Christian outreach and education for children in Nicaragua.

Project 1605 Goal: $7,800

Children’s education & women’s outreach

1604-CR-Outreach e

Deaconess Betty (centre, green dress) with her Bible study group during a visit from Lutheran Church–Canada mission executive Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel.

Make it possible for Deaconess Betty Solorzano to reach out with the Gospel to the women and children of Cartago in Costa Rica.


I want to support Deaconess Betty and her outreach to women and children.

Project 1604 Goal: $6500.


Cartago Mission & Missionary Support

Youth retreat

Youth retreat

Missionary stipends, housing, transportation and resources will keep the Children’s Christian Education and feeding programs going strong in 2016.


I want to support the missionary work in Costa Rica.

Project 1603 Goal: $25,000

Foreign Seminary Student

Rev. Oleksiy Navrotskyy is finishing his studies at the Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton. This project provides support for him and his family during the final year.

I want to support Rev. Navrotskyy.

Project 1602 Goal: $10,000


South Asian Radio Ministry

1601-Canada-Radio eSupport the on-air team based in Mississauga, Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area reaching out with the Good News into the South Asian community through the air-waves.

I want to support this important radio ministry.

Project 1601 Goal: $8000
