Church Worker Training for Pastors and Deaconesses

Our primary focus in Central America is to provide theological education and training to the pastors, deaconesses and candidates in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras. To help better equip Church workers with the knowledge, skills, and training needed to better serve the Church in Central America, Lutheran Church-Canada offers four courses/training sessions during the year.

I want to support the pastors and deacons/esses serving in Central America.

Project 2504 Goal: $20,000


Mission Support for Bashtanka Region of Ukraine

For the past few years, SELCU has requested that LCC assist them with supporting the ministry in the Bashtanka region. Since 2021, Rev. Yuri Timerkan has served the two congregations in this region, Bogomazy and Zeleny Yar, as well as two mission sites, Andreevka and Schevschenkovo. Rev. Timerkan, along with several members in the region, have also been very active in providing works of mercy to people in need.

I want to support ministry and missions in the Bashtanka Region, Ukraine.

Project 2512 Goal: $2,000


Prison Ministry, Ukraine

Bishop Alexander Urchenko and other SELCU pastors attend the prison near Nikolaev where they visit and counsel inmates, lead Services of the Word, teach Bible studies, and provide formal catechism instruction. This ministry has received a great response from the prisoners, the prison administration, and even the government.

I want to support the pastor and his prison ministry in Ukraine.

Project 2513 Goal: $2,000


Children’s Education Program, Nicaragua

This valuable ministry, provided in 20 churches by the deaconesses and pastors, offers tutoring in mathematics, Spanish, science, and, most importantly, lessons from the Word of God. Funding provides for after school care, help with schoolwork, and school supplies (uniforms, backpacks, shoes & other materials).
I want to support education for children in Nicaragua.

Project 2506 Goal: $30,000


Feeding Program/Pan De Vida

The program provides disadvantaged children with nutritious meals in eight churches several times a week. Just $1.50 can provide a substantial and healthy meal for a child. The feeding stations have between 40 to 80 registered children attending in each of these churches. The children also hear Bible stories and participate in prayers and Christian singing.

I want to support feeding for the children of Nicaragua.

Project 2505 Goal: $10,000


Music Education Program, Costa Rica

This project provides instruction in guitar and keyboard for the youth in Costa Rica through weekly visits by the music instructor. Funding provides for instruments and sheet music. Similar to the Nicaraguan program, the goal is to enrich the edification of the church communities through enhanced music worship.

I want to support music training for children and youth.

Project 2411 Goal: $4,200


Mission and Ministry of Rev. Retana, Costa Rica

Rev. Edmundo Retana is LCC’s full-time missionary in Cartago, Costa Rica. LCC covers all the costs of this ministry, which includes an annual stipend for Rev. Retana, outreach and ministry materials, transportation expenses, and rent and utilities for the mission.

I want to support Mission and Ministry in Costa Rica.

Project 2510 Goal: $5,000


Street Ministry Outreach in Regina

Rev. Jacob Quast, Domestic Mission Director and Rev. DJ Kim Street Chaplain

Reaching out with the Gospel to those on the streets is a daunting task. LCC has been blessed to have Missionary-at-Large, Rev. DJ Kim, serve as street reach chaplain in Regina. He has described the police car he uses as a “mobile church” in which he is able to reach out with both God’s Law and Gospel to many young people associated with gangs and/or criminal activities. The time he spends with members of Regina’s police force also enables him to care for those first responders who regularly face tremendous evil and heartache. Rev. Kim is uniquely situated to share the life-giving and life-changing Gospel to all these individuals, and has witnessed the Holy Spirit touch many lives through the Word that is proclaimed. LCC is truly blessed to have such a dedicated and gifted servant of the Word providing this vital ministry to those in need in Regina.

I want to support troubled youth and young adults in Regina.

Project 2503 Goal: $10,000


French Ministry & Mission Support, Canada

Rev. Dr. Somers has been faithfully serving as LCC’s primary Missionary-at-Large since 1994, both overseeing and serving our French Ministry in Quebec. There are currently mission congregations in Montreal, Quebec City, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, and Sherbrooke. This ministry continues to produce theological and devotional resources used by French speaking Lutherans around the world. More recently, this ministry has partnered with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti to provide online theological education to seminary students in Haiti and other French speaking nations. To carry out this vital ministry and mission work, LCC financially supports our Missionary-at-Large, as well as the travel expenses and materials for this ministry.

I want to support Rev. Somers in Quebec.

Project 2502 Goal: $15,000


Lay Evangelist Support, Niagara Region

For the past few years, CLTS student, Poya Zamani, a refugee from Afghanistan, has been doing outreach in the Niagara region while studying at the seminary. As a result of his outreach work, converts from various backgrounds have been catechized, baptized and have become members of our local congregations in the area. In order to support this important evangelism, LCC commissioned Poya to serve as an evangelist to the Niagara region. Poya currently serves under the oversight of the Mission Director and is locally supervised by the Circuit Counsellor.

I want to support Muslim community outreach in Niagara region.

Project 2501 Goal: $5,000
